Hong Kong Patent Commercialization Platform
The scheme will set up a Hong Kong pavilion and conduct business matching at one comprehensive exhibition and four industry-specific exhibitions. The Project Steering Committee will select 200 representative products/cases from the patents that have successfully joined the Hong Kong Specialist Online Platform and display them in the Hong Kong Pavilion.
Increase product awareness
The Hong Kong patent platform will be promoted several times to ensure that mainland investors can access the patents on the platform. This platform enables mainland merchants who are interested in cooperating with Hong Kong enterprises to find and contact suitable Hong Kong enterprises.
Free participation in Mainland exhibitions
In addition to product display, business matching activities will also be held at the same venue to promote direct exchanges between mainland enterprises and Hong Kong enterprises. In addition to inviting interested mainland investors to participate in business matching on the spot, it will also contact and invite official entities from target provinces and cities in mainland China, associations related to creativity and invention, and representatives of mainland enterprises (expected to be through the China Invention Association, the Asian Licensing Industry Association) Association China Office, Hong Kong Trade Development Council, etc.) visited the Hong Kong Pavilion for business matching. All Hong Kong enterprises are required to participate in business matching at their own expense.
Membership fee waiver
As long as you successfully apply to join the Hong Kong Patent Online Platform, if you apply to join the Hong Kong Federation of Inventions and Innovation (HKFii) at the same time, individual membership fees for the first two years will be waived.
The vast number of cooperative institutions
This patent platform will provide an exclusive platform to facilitate mainland enterprises and investors to focus on patents related to industry categories, and to contact Hong Kong enterprises to further develop commercialization. This project will solicit Hong Kong enterprises that intend to commercialize patents in the Mainland through different channels, and learn from them and collect detailed information on their Mainland patents. After obtaining the patent details, the Hong Kong Productivity Council will review and analyze the patent content and classify each patent into biotechnology and environmental protection, automation and opto-mechanical, information technology and communication, new materials and sensors, and others.

Join the platform to promote the commercialization of Hong Kong patents
If you are interested in joining the Hong Kong Patent Online Platform, you can download the form below
Fill out the form and prepare patent information and send an email to info@hkfii.com.
After the approval of the project specialist, the patent information can be displayed on the platform.